Zilo - Text editor

Have you ever thought of creating your own text editor from scratch? Or even wonder how a text editor is made, how cursor is moved when you press the right arrow key, how a file is saved, how scrolling works? This article presents you my implementation of Kilo text editor - Zilo.

Created a text editor from scratch in C. Used Kilo editor as a base and added some additional feature. Here is the refrence if you want to try: https://viewsourcecode.org/snaptoken/kilo/

I am always interested in how core tech works and as a result of my insatiable curiosity I finally stumbled upon Kilo. Creating Kilo strengthen my knowledge about C, as well as introduced me to many new libraries and functions.

Additional Features

-Open and close brackets, quotes
‐ Goto Line
‐ Open multiple files
‐ Menubar to display open files
‐ Sidebar to display line numbers
‐ Close a specific file
‐ Cut, Copy, and paste whole lines
‐ Syntax Highlighting for Java (planned)
‐ Auto indent (planned)
‐ Scrolling with touchpad/mouse (planned)
‐ Debian package created

Github Link